Lessons With Grand Master Daw. Lessons 1-10.


Learn martial arts with Grand Master Daw.

Never done martial arts before, but always wanted to learn? Well why not start learning with a Grand Master, in your own time?

Right from the beginning, lessons 1-10 teach us all we need to get started with martial arts.

Lesson 1.

In this lesson Grand Master Daw teaches you a warm up and introduces you to the MFMA. Welcome. Students can always add more exercises if needed.

Lesson 2.

In this lesson we learn the basic stances needed for martial arts training. Stances are a foundation

On which we can build great martial arts skills.

Lesson 3.

In this lesson, Grand Master Daw discusses the basic attitude needed for any beginner student

On their martial arts journey.

Lesson 4.

In this lesson Grand Master Daw teaches the outside block with applications.

Lesson 5.

In this lesson, Grand Master Daw demonstrates the inside block, with applications.

Lesson 6.

In this lesson, GM Daw demonstrates how to do the normal punch, with many applications.

Lesson 7.

In this lesson, GM Daw teaches the vertical punch, in stances, and with targets on the body.

Lesson 8.

In this lesson, we learn how to perform and apply the front kick.

Lesson 9.

In this lesson, we are taught the side kick and different applications.

Lesson 10.

In this lesson, we put together what we have learnt so far. Every ten lessons we will

be putting it all together, so we are training with purpose and full understanding of what

we are doing.


All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges for other courses. The MFMA/SFKF/GSA accept no responsibility for any injury, accident or even death as a result of following any of our courses. If you are unsure of your fitness levels, you should check with your local GP or physician before embarking on any fitness or exercise program. You must be over 18 to join.

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Lessons With Grand Master Daw. Lessons 1-10.

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